Chilling With Kratom: Refreshing Ways to Enjoy It on Hot Days

September 26, 2023

kratom world red kratom green maeng da barcelona

Kratom, a plant with unique properties, is a popular choice for those seeking relaxation and wellness. But did you know that you can also enjoy kratom in refreshing drinks to provide relief from hot days?

Here are some creative ways to incorporate kratom into your favorite drinks and stay cool in the summer.

Green fruit kratom for an invigorating feeling

Green Fruit kratom is known for its energizing and stimulating effects. Take advantage of this property on sunny days by making an iced green kratom drink. Here's a simple recipe to try.


  • 1 teaspoon green kratom powder made from your favorite fruit
  • 1 cup cold water
  • Lemon juice to taste
  • Honey or natural sweetener (optional)


    1. Mix the green kratom powder with cold water in a shaker.
    2. Add lemon juice to enhance the flavor and add a refreshing touch.
    3. If you prefer a sweet touch, add honey or natural sweetener depending on your preference.
    4. Shake well and serve over ice - enjoy a boost of energy with every sip!

    Red fruit kratom for refreshing relaxation

    Red kratom fruits are known for their relaxing and calming properties. So why not harness these properties in a calming drink that's perfect for a hot day? Here's a delicious idea.


    • 1 teaspoon red Kratom powder made from your favorite fruit
    • 1 cup cold water or chilled fruit tea
    • Fruit slices (strawberries, oranges, lemons)
    • Fresh mint leaves


      1. Brew a cup of fruit tea and let it cool in the fridge.
      2. Mix the red Kratom powder with the cooled tea.
      3. Add fresh fruit slices and mint leaves for a summery and refreshing touch.
      4. Stir well and serve over ice - a relaxing and delicious drink!

        Kratom's versatility allows you to experiment with different combinations and flavors to find your perfect refreshing drink.

        Try different strains of kratom, such as green or red kratom, and adjust the proportions to suit your personal preferences. Whether you choose an invigorating or relaxing drink, Kratom can be the key to keeping you cool and relaxed on hot days.